September 24–25, 2021
Our society is in desperate need of healthy families.
Mothers and Fathers who love and care for one another and are committed to each other. Parents who raise their children in the way of Jesus. Sadly, this is not the case in most homes. And let’s be honest; the road to having a healthy well-ordered family is tricky to navigate at best.
Our desire is to curate a range of gifted leaders on the subject of the family and gather in one place for a day and half and build up the family.
We are intentional about so many things in our lives: what we wear, what we eat, how we spend our time and money. It is time to be intentional and thoughtful about how we lead our families in a way that is glorifying to God, healthy for us and builds up society. The Intentional Family Conference exists to do just that. Bringing biblical hope and practical help to families in all stages of life.
Intentional Family Conference is brought to you by Intentional Parents International.
We believe that the next generation—the children being raised right now—can change the world. They matter—to God, to you, and to us. That’s why we’re coming alongside parents to offer them hope and practical help in their God-given task of raising the next generation of passionate Jesus followers.